Saturday, October 4, 2008

Barka Sala!!!

This week we celebrated the end of Ramadan in the village of Toda with the chief of Ly On Kara, the Chief of Toda and the King of the Fulani. We attended their prayer ceremony in the morning and then ate with the King’s family as they broke their fast. I tried cow tongue for the first time ever and it wasn’t too tramatic- just kind of chewy! It was nothing compared to chutum- the chunky soured milk that the Fulani eat EVERY DAY!!! The best part of the celebration was when we went back to Ly On Kara and women from all the different compounds came over to the Chief’s compound to visit. They were dressed in their brightest most colorful skirts and headwraps, feet and hands dyed from henna and unibrows penciled in. They all performed traditional Fulani dances for us. It was beautiful and I loved being a part of it all. Afterwards, the women wanted us to show them some American style dances. So we did the Macarena (because it seemed like an American song in that moment lol) and the electric slide but their favorite was the Chicken Dance!!!! Some ladies were crying because they were laughing so hard!!!


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